Don’t Get Left Behind: The Rapid Adoption of Generative AI

Published: Sep 17, 2024, 03:32 pm

Generative AI is transforming industries at an unprecedented pace. A recent report shows that CEOs are pushing for aggressive AI adoption within their organizations, with ambitious targets set for the next five years.

Image Source: eMarketer, "Expected Rollout Phase of Generative AI in Their Company, Today vs. Next 5 Years" (April 2024)

According to the May 2024 report by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) titled 6 hard truths CEOs must face: How to leap forward with courage and conviction in the generative AI era, conducted by Oxford Economics, more than 2,500 CEOs were surveyed worldwide.


  • 2025: 52% of CEOs plan to leverage generative AI for efficiency and cost savings.

  • 2026: 49% of CEOs expect AI to fuel significant growth and expansion.

  • 2029: An impressive 67% of organizations are projected to fully integrate AI into their operations, positioning themselves for significant revenue increases.

The competitive advantage is clear: companies that delay AI adoption risk falling behind. But how can your business keep up with this fast-paced landscape?

Why Acting Now is Crucial

The race to integrate generative AI is well underway. Leaders are already leveraging AI for everything from streamlining internal processes to transforming customer interactions. But it’s not just about being first—it’s about adopting AI in a way that aligns with your business goals and maximizes long-term value.

How Retentive Labs Can Help

At Retentive Labs, we understand the challenges businesses face in this fast-evolving space. Here’s how we can help your organization take its first steps toward AI-driven success:

  • Strategic AI Roadmapping: We’ll work with your leadership team to define your AI goals, identify key use cases, and create a tailored strategy that delivers results.

  • Pilot and Experimentation Programs: We’ll help you run AI pilot programs to explore what works best, learn quickly, and adjust accordingly.

  • Custom AI Solutions: Whether you need AI integrated into existing workflows or brand-new AI-driven applications, we provide end-to-end development and deployment.

  • Training and Enablement: Equip your team with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently use AI and drive ongoing innovation.

  • AI Voice Services: Transform customer interactions with AI-powered voice services, offering 24/7 support, quicker response times, and more personalized solutions.

  • eMarketer. (April 2024). Expected Rollout Phase of Generative AI in Their Company, Today vs. Next 5 Years, According to CEOs Worldwide. Retrieved from
